Lesson 13 - Year 10 Economics - Living in Poverty


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There are 24 slides in this lesson.

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Preview of the lesson is as below:

Poverty in Australia

  • Read: Oxford Big Ideas 10 page 404-405
  • worksheet - Varying living standards around the world
  • Case Study Poverty- page 6 of workbook
  • Read the story of Sarah and answer the questions that followWatch the ABC’s Behind the News video on poverty in Australia
  • Poverty in Australia Report 2015 - http://www.abc.net.au/btn/story/s4107347.htm
  • OECD poverty statistics -http://data.oecd.orig/ineequlity/poverty-rate.htm
  • Policies to improve living standards Big ideas 10 page 406-411
  • Worksheet - Different types of policies


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