There are 42 slides in this lesson on Australias Government.


Find following a brief overview of the lesson:

  • Watch the you tube clip on Voting and structure of Australia’s Parliament
  • Mind Map
  • Film on voting
  • Power point for concept map
  • Film Federal Parliament
  • Think/Pair/Share on Voting
  • Questions on mind map

There is 6 sample slide for this lesson. To see a fully formatted lesson view Lesson 1.

There are 38 slides in this lesson.

The following is an outline of the lesson:

  • power point on Federation
  • Reasons for Combining the Colonies of Australia
  • Video on Federation
  • Activity - Newspaper source (during federation)

There is 6 sample slides shown.To see a fully formatted lesson view lesson 1

There are 55 slides in this lesson.

A preview of the lesson content is as follows:

  • Power point on three levels of government
  • Virtual visit to Western Australian Parliament House
  • Chart activity on 3 levels of government
  • VENN diagram activity
  • Decision making activity

Because of the large file this lesson will have to be sent via USB.

This lesson 4 sample slides. To see a fully formatted lesson view Lesson 1.

There are 18 slides in this lesson on the role of Ministers in Parliament.

The following has an outline of the lesson:

  • Observing a session in Parliament House
  • Y chart
  • Research

There are 4 slides shown for this lesson.

There is 21 slides in the power point.

This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

The content is as folows:

  • Power point for information
  • Outline the responsibilities of the Governor General of Australia.
  • Biography outline scaffold
  • Questions

There is a small sample of 4 slides in this lesson.

There are 23 slides in this lesson.

This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

The content of this lesson is as follows:

  • Power point on topic
  • Activity – safeguard scenario
  • You tube clip on free speech

There is a small sample of 4 slides of this lesson.

There are 21 slides in this lesson.

This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

The outline of the lesson is below:

  • Power point on Indonesian Government

A small sample of 4 slides are shown for this lesson

There are 16 slides in this lesson.

This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

The content of the lesson is as follows:

—You will read a number of texts from different sources to establish the similarities and differences of government between Indonesia and Australia.

—You can use a VENN Diagram or list difference and similarities

This lesson demonstrates the steps to write an introduction to an essay in the comparison of the Indonesian Government and the Australian Government.

There are 48 slides in this lesson.

This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

There is 5 slides shown for this lesson.

There is 25 slides in the lesson.

This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

The outline of the lesson is below:

  • Power point on the Constitution with embedded film.
  • Read pages read pages 468-469  Oxford Big Ideas The purpose and value of the Australian constitution. Answer questions: 1 - 4.
  • Worksheets 1,2,3,4  Our Constitution. – read and answer questions

A workbook is available in the webshop under resources to purchase.

You can use  your own text for this lesson as all slides can be edited.

There is 3 slides shown for this lesson.

This lesson has 16 slides.

This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

The following is an outline of the lesson:

  • Power point on changing the Australian constitution 
  • Read the information 
  • Answer questions on page 18 and 17 of workbook

The workbook can be purchased in the webshop under resources.

There are 4 sample slides shown for this lesson.

There are 19 slides in this lesson.

The following is an outline of the lesson:

  • Power point High Court
  • Summary sheet 4 W’s and H
  • Film
  • Senario sheet

The lesson will have to be sent by USB as it is a large file.

There are 4 slides shown for this lesson.

There are 19 slides in this lesson.

This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

The following is a brief outline of the lesson:

  • Powerpoint on the background of the case
  • 4W's and H summary sheet
  • News report on Eddie Mabo
  • Newspaper report activity

There is a DVD film on this case called "Mabo". (available in DVD stores)

5 slides are shown - to see a fully formatted  lesson view lesson 1.

There are 25 slides in this lesson.

Below is an outline of the lesson:

  • Power point on International Aid
  • 4 W and H summary sheet
  • Film on International aid
  • Case study activity on Timor aid from Australia

There are 3 sample slides shown.

There are 13 slides in this lesson on International agreements that Australia is involved in.

This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

A brief outline is below:

  • Power point with background information on agreements
  • Questions
  • Group activity on effects of the agreements

There are 7 sample of slides for this lesson shown - to see a fully formatted lesson see lesson 1.

In this lesson there are 42 slides.

This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

Below is an overview of the lesson:

  • new vocabulary
  • Create a mind map
  • Questions on the mind map information
  • Analysing the Australian National Anthem
  • Questions: Pair/Share