THERE ARE 36 SLIDES IN THIS POWER POINT - This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

This lesson is an introduction to democracy and examines democratic values. Several different student activities are complete to fully understand the terms.

The films in this power point will be embedded and if they are too large a copy will be sent to you on USB.

The text used is Oxford Big Ideas Year 8

The following is a preview of the lesson:

  • Vocabulary activity
  • Power point on democratic values
  • Predicting meaning of words
  • Designing a Logo activity
  • Creation of a quote
  • Writing a story on Freedom
  • Summarising a video
  • Film and questions on film




  • This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

  • The first 6 slides are demonstrated.

This film is about the different ways of protesting to the government to effect change.

The Lesson has several activities for students to confirm their learning.

Films are embedded and included in the power point.

They are as follows:

  • Introduction to Mnemonics
  • Film – the right to pressure for change students find 4 points from film
  • Power point on different ways to protest
  • 7 student activities on protesting


Please note that only a small sample of this lesson is shown. If you want to see an example of a full lesson go to Lesson One. Every Lesson one is complete.

There are 30 slides in this power point. Any film is embedded.

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The Lesson focusses on the Anthem and goes into some depth.

The outline of the lesson is as below:

  • Listen to the national anthem and think about why we have a National Anthem.  
  • Information on the National Anthem: Peter Dodds McCormick composed Advance Australia Fair in 1878, and it was proclaimed Australia’s national anthem in 1984.  (you could look up on the internet more information on Peter Dodd and Advance Australia Fair)
  • You are to consider why it is important to have a national anthem. (use your research to help you with this)
  • Starting Sentence: The Australian National Anthem is important because…….. 

Please note that a small sample of slides are shown to see an example of a full lesson go to Lesson 1 of any topic.

There are 24 slides in this power point.

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This Lesson is about National Identity 

The content is as below

  • Coat of arms activity,
  • Listen to the song True Blue and list the things that John Williamson says what makes us Australians,- class discussion.
  • Optional - Theory read pages 384-385 Australia’s National Identity. (text is Oxford Big Ideas 8) Answer questions 1-3

The Big Ideas text for year 8 is used for all lessons. However alternative texts would suffice, because the slides can be edited you can use your own text and change the page numbers.

All songs are embedded.

Please note that a small sample is indicated for this lesson - to see a full lesson go to lesson one.

The lesson explains the rights and responsibilities of a citizen in Australia.

There are 28 slides in this power point.

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The outline of the lesson is as below:

  • Vocabulary activity
  • Think/pair/share
  • Whiteboard brainstorm
  • Reading information and table creation
  • Read the information and create a VENN diagram

There are a few sample slides shown for this lesson. If you want to see a full lesson have a look at lesson 1.

There are 27 slides in this power point.

This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

This lesson looks at the rights and freedoms in Australia.

The outline of the content is as below:

  • Starter activity – Rights and Freedoms
  • Reading of power point information – could be one student at a time
  • Student ranking of Rights in order of preference

A small sample of the slides is presented to see a full lesson example look at Lesson 1.

There are 38 slides in this power point. No workbook or text is needed for this lesson.

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This lesson looks at an incident in Western Australia which demonstrates Association and Assembly. The case study would stimulate students to think about our freedoms.

The outline of the lesson is as follows:

  • Definitions
  • Case study – bikie killing in Perth- freedom of association
  • Poster - unions
  • Activities
  • Pair/share
  • Discussions – covid freedom of movement
  • Film clip





Please note that only a small sample of this lesson is presented. To examine a full lesson look at lesson 1.

The lesson starts off explaining the Freedom of Speech, there are 3 case studies examined: Peter Grest (reporter arrested in Egypt - Peter is Australian), Martin Luther King and his story, and Maos Last dancer film which has 3 broken freedoms demonstrated in the film. Activities for students for all the information presented.

There are 27 slides in the lesson.

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The outline is as follows: 



The text book Oxford Big Ideas is used in this lesson but you could use any text on freedoms, and because the slides can be edited you can put your own text and page numbers on the slides.



Please note that only a small sample of this lesson is displayed. A full lesson is demonstrated in Lesson 1.

There are 46 slides in this lesson.

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This lesson goes into step by step instruction on how to create a mind map and explains the rules on religion in Australia, and a number of activities are provided for students.

The outline of the lesson is as follows:

Using the information on power point create a mind map

  • Step by step instruction on the production of a mind map
  • Film on religion in Australia
  • Reading of a graph on Religion statistics and questions

There is only one slide sample for this lesson - to see a full lesson examine Lesson 1.

There are 21 slides in this Lesson.

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This lesson has has a 'thinking actvity for students to determine "is free speech really free". Some examples from around the world are given and students then discuss and determine their response.

An outline of the lesson is below:

  • How Free is Free Speech? - Power point activity
  • Draw up a table with the Heading: Limits on Free speech.
  • Use the information on the power point to fill your table

There will only be some random samples of this lesson. For an example of a full lesson go to lesson 1 to view.

There are 23 slides in this lesson.

This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

The lesson explains with diagrams, film and slide the Australian Federal Parliament.

The lesson outline is below:

  • Virtual tour of Parliament House – Canberra
  • Federal Parliament Explained in a video
  • How does Parliament work shown in a video
  • Take down some information from power point
  • Answer some questions from this lesson

There is only 6 random slides from this powerpoint. To see a full lesson view Lesson 1.

There are 62 slides in this lesson

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This is a large powerpoint and therefore a comprehensive explanation of the role of people and parliament by the Federal Government.

The following is a brief overview of the lesson:

  • Read slides and take notes, where indicated
  • Create a poster on the Separation of Powers and another poster on How Parliament works.

Please note there are only 6 sample slides. To view a full lesson view Lesson 1.

There are 42 slides on Voting.

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This is a comprehension power point on Voting in Australia.

The following dot points show an overview of the lesson.

  • Power point – house of representatives, senate
  • Visual examples of voting slips
  • Power point on voting
  • Activity advantages and disadvantages of voting
  • Video on voting
  • Think/pair/share
  • Video on how to vote
  • Group work – political campaign


4 slides are uploaded for this lesson but if you wish to see a full lesson go to Lesson 1.

There are 32 slides in this lesson.

This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

The power point takes the students through the different political parties and then take brief notes on each one to fill the summary outine provided.

Below is a brief outline of the lesson.

  • Power point on political parties
  • Political party activity – summary sheet
  • Questions
  • Creating my own party – group work

6 Slides are demonstrated but there are 20 slides in this lesson. To see a full lesson go to lesson 1.

This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

There is a workbook available for this lesson but it can be taught without it. The workbook has scaffolded informaton.

The lessons focus is the various ways the media are involved when there is an election.

The following oulines the lesson.

  • Clip on voting in Australia
  • Clip on a day in the life of a parliamentarian
  • Case study of a politician in another country
  • Video on online media
  • TED X on media influence
  • Film example of a leaders TV debate
  • U tube clip on opinion polls
  • TV News

Only a small sample is provided for this lesson. To see a full lesson see Lesson 1.

There are 14 slides in this lesson.

This power point will will be on USB and will be mailed to you after payment.

This lesson explains how laws are made in Australia.

The lesson ouline is as follows:

  • Activity One – song lyrics and their meaning
  • Activity two recognizing the difference between laws and rules
  • Written information on laws in Australia
  • Flow chart activity – making laws
  • Film on how laws are made

A small sample of slides are demonstrated - to see a full lesson go to lesson 1.

There are 22 slides in this lesson.

This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

This lesson teaches students how common law is made and how statue law is conducted.

The following is an outline of the lesson:

  • Power point notes on Statue and common law
  • Poster making on both types of law making

A small sample is given for this lesson, to see a full lesson look at lesson 1.

There are 16 slides in this lesson.

There is a workbook available for this lesson in the workbook section.

All film is embedded in slide.

This lesson explains Civil and criminal Law and Aboriginal Customary Law. 

Below is an outline of the lesson:

  • Power point – on civil (law of tort explained) and criminal law
  • 60 Second Activity- students write down in 60 seconds as many types of crimes they can think of.
  • Students categorise into serious and less serious crimes.
  • Questions: Why would more serious crimes be heard in higher courts? 
  • Watch the film on civil and criminal law and take notes. Hint: make 2 columns one for civil and one for criminal.
  • Types of Civil disputes – copy table on page 409
  • Read page Big Ideas (optional) 408 and 409 and answer questions 1-4
  • Questions: What did you notice in the differences between criminal and civil laws.





A small sample of slides form this lesson are shown. To see a full lesson go to Lesson 1.

There are 23 slides in this power point.

This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

The lesson teachers the types of offences and the types of punishments handed down. Students read and remember the information and are then given an activity where they have to identify a crimes offence and punishment.

See outline below for this lesson:

  • Information slide on types of legal offenses  indictment offences, summary or simple offences
  • Guilty mind or guilty act
  • Types of punishments
  • Activity – identifying types of offences – think pair share

There a a random small sample of slides for display to see a full lesson go to lesson 1.

This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

This power point explains to students the different courts and which offfences are brought before them. Students have the courts explaines and are given information for their hierarchy chart.

Students are given examples of hierarchy charts that they could use.

  • Power point different courts different issues
  • Students construct a Hierarchy of courts after being shown 3 different options to create.
  • A series of slides are shown for students to create their chart
  • Questions on the courts are to be answered by students
  • Student activity identifying which court for which crime.

All slides are demonstrated in this lesson - its a short lesson of information because it is a research lesson.

This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

See below for the student activity:

  • Follow the link (copy and paste to search engine):
  • This is a role play of making a law in Australia’s Parliament.
  • Your task is to select one of the roles in the play. For example it may be the Speaker or it may be a Member of Parliament.
  • Follow this persons script and make notes about what they have to do and what they say as you read the script.
  • When you have done this make a decision as to what would be your view on changing the drinking age for people in Australia.
  • You must give reasons for your decision. 

This lesson has sample slides only displayed. To see a complete lesson go to lesson 1.

There are 22 slides in this lesson

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The lesson outline is below:

  • Power point on juries which covers the following:
  • Brief history of Juries
  • What do Juries do?
  • How are Juries chosen?
  • People excused from Jury service
  • Student activity - Create a poster on juries

A sample of slides will be shown for this lesson. To see a complete lesson go to Lesson 1.

There are 25 slides in this lesson

This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.

The folowing describe this lesson which is basically assessing what makes a good citizen.

By the end of this lesson student will have thought about what makes a good citizen and complete a number of activities to help them evaluate this question. eg stimulus photos