This lesson is shown in full as an example of the structure of lessons throughout the webshop.
An outline of the lesson is as follows:
- Economics is how we use resources
- Background reading
- Power-point
- Desk activity
- Economic Skills
- Film
There is a small sample of slides shown for this lesson. To see a full format of lessons view lesson 1.
There are 18 slides in this lesson.
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The outline of the lesson is as follows:
- PowerPoint on circular flow
- Source 3 page 368 Oxford BIg Ideas - workbook page 1-2
- Students create their own circular flow diagram
The workbook can be purchased in the webshop under resources.
Any text book can be used as the slides can be edited.
There is a small sample of slides shown for this lesson. To view a fully formatted lesson go to lesson 1.
There are 15 slides in this lesson.
The outline of this lesson is as follows:
- Pair work: Questions for discussion on consumers. Page 3 workbook
- Oxford Big Ideas 10 page 373
- Cause and Effect- page 3 &4 workbook
The Oxford Big Ideas 10 text is used in all lessons, however you can use your own text as all slides can be edited
The workbooks are available to purchase in the resources section of the webshop but are not essential to the delivery of the lessons.
There is a small sample of slides shown for this lesson. To see a fully formatted lesson view lesson 1.
There are 33 slides in this lesson.
This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.
The contents of the lesson are as below:
- Thinking critically
- My products
- Communication activity
- Discussion
- Spending activity
- Opportunity Cost power point
- Think/Pair/Share
- You Tube clips
- Economic types power point
- Role of the government in the economy (clip)
There is a small sample of 6 slides for this lesson shown here.
To see a fully formatted lesson see lesson 1.
There are 29 slides in this lesson.
The lesson outline is below:
- Reading Oxford Big Ideas 10 page- 380-381
- Power point on GDP
- GDP film
- Analysing a GDP graph
- Student worksheet: The importance of growth
- Rich and Poor Nations You Tube Clip
- Happy Planet Power point
- The Human Development Index power point
- 3 films – The happiest people in the world – Bhutan and TED talk
The slides are able to be edited, therefore you can use which every text you generally use.
The lesson will be sent by USB because of the large amount of film.
This Powerpoint can follow the GDP lesson if students are required to know the Lorenze Curve.
There are 6 slides in this power point - 3 are shown here.
There is a small sample of 5 slides for this lesson shown. To see a fully formatted lesson view lesson 1.
There are 22 slides in this power point lesson.
The outline of the contents are below:
- Background reading
- Power point – inflation
- You tube clip on inflation
- Case study activity on inflation
- Analysing a graph on inflation
- Worksheet on inflation
There is a small sample of 6 slides for this lesson. To see a fully formatted lesson view lesson 1.
There are 39 slides in this lesson.
The outline of contents is below:
- Read: Page 384-385 Oxford Big Ideas textbook Complete questions 1, 2
- Student activity 1- page 8 of workbook - economic and social consequence
- Chart of the unemployment rate in Australia since 1996
- Graph work
- You tube video on unemployment
- Worksheet – Who has a job and who is without?
- Class discussion on the effects of technology on unemployment
- Youth Unemployment – Read Big Ideas 10 page 386
- Power point on Youth Unemployment and Indigenous unemployment
- 3 films on unemployment
This lesson will be sent by USB because of the size of the file.
Any textbook can be used as all slides can be edited.
There is only a small sample of 3 slides shown from this lesson. To see a fully formatted lesson view lesson 1.
There are 13 slides in this lesson.
This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.
Preview of lesson:
- Australia’s economic score card
- Reading
- Statistics table
There is a small sample of 5 slides for this lesson.
To see a full lesson format look at lesson 1.
There are 20 slides in this lesson.
Preview of lesson:
The story behind our economic growth
- Read Big Ideas 10 page 394-395
- Page 3 of your workbook – Listen to the song “The Big Yellow Taxi” and write what message about economic growth the song is trying to convey.
- Big yellow taxi lyrics -
- Mining and productivity
- Watch the film “A Dirty Business”- Mining in Australia
- Heading is: Mining in Australia
- Whilst watching list the advantages and disadvantages of mining in Australia.
- Share your list of advantages and disadvantage of mining with your partner.
You are able to use your own text as all slides can be edited.
The lesson will be sent by USB because it is a large file.
There is a small sample of 3 slides for this lesson. To view a fully formatted lesson look at lesson 1.
There are 20 slides in this lesson.
This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.
Preview of the lesson:
- Power point – How to measure Living Standards
- Living standards - Oxford Big ideas 10 page 398-399
- Worksheet - what is the connection between economic performance and living standards?
- OECD better life index-Better life Index extract page 4 of workbook
- Students read and extract statistics from the data and place in the table on page 5 of workbook
- Using the information on page 398 students list the indicators of Material and Non-material living standards
- Short video on how living standards are measure
- Best measure of standard of living
- https;
The workbook can be purchased in the webshop under resources.
There is 4 slide examples shown for this lesson To see a fully formatted lesson view lesson 1.
There are 20 slides in this lesson.
This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.
Preview of the lesson is below:
Factors that affect a country’s living standards
- Read Oxford Big Ideas 10 page 400-401
- Worksheet What makes some countries more liveable than others?
- Power point on defining wellbeing and different views on wellbeing
- Watch the u tube clip Why are some countries so rich and some countries so poor? https:///
- Create a diagram or info-graphic showing the reasons why the standard of living varies between countries
- Write a paragraph on why some countries are rich and some countries are poor
The workbook can be purchased in the webshop under resources.
You can use your own text because all slides can be edited.
5 slides are shown for this lesson here - to see a fully formatted lesson look at lesson 1.
There are 24 slides in this lesson.
This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.
Preview of the lesson is as below:
Poverty in Australia
- Read: Oxford Big Ideas 10 page 404-405
- worksheet - Varying living standards around the world
- Case Study Poverty- page 6 of workbook
- Read the story of Sarah and answer the questions that followWatch the ABC’s Behind the News video on poverty in Australia
- Poverty in Australia Report 2015 -
- OECD poverty statistics -http://data.oecd.orig/ineequlity/poverty-rate.htm
- Policies to improve living standards Big ideas 10 page 406-411
- Worksheet - Different types of policies
It is not necessary to have the text mentioned here, you can use your own and edit the slide - all slides can be edited.
There is a workbook for purchase in the webshop under resources.
There are 4 slides shown for this lesson - to see a fully formatted lesson view lesson 1.
There are 20 slides in this lesson.
This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.
Preview of the lesson is below:
- Policies to improve living standards-Read - Oxford Big ideas 10 page 406-411
- Power point on Government policies - Activity- page 406-411 Oxford big ideas
- The text provides a comprehensive range of policies. The main policies however are budgetary and monetary policy.
- Assign groups of four students on policy from page 406-410 There are five broad policy areas. In groups students are to
1.describe the policy
2 Explain how the policy may help to raise living standards
Students then report back to the class
- Worksheet Different types of policies
A workbook is available to purchase in the webshop under resources.
You can use any text on this topic, as all slides can be edited.
There is 4 sample of slides for this lesson. To view a fully formatted lesson look at lesson 1.
This lesson has 12 slides.
This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.
The following is an outline of the lesson:
- Read - Oxford Big Ideas 10 Text page 412 answer questions 1-5
- On page 413 is a diagram of how Governments redistribute income $.
- Using the diagram on page 2 of the workbook fill your own diagram.
- Draw the diagram only labelling the centre circle student’s build a diagram about redistribution of income. For example have you ever been to a public hospital or to a doctor that bulk billed? If so who paid for those services?
- The answer is the government so you can fill in one of the bubbles stating the government redistributes income through providing goods and services all Australians can access such as hospitals.
- View an info graphic on income and wealth distribution on Australia
You can use your own resources on this topic - as all slides can be edited.
There are 4 sample slides are shown for this lesson - to view a fully formatted lesson look at lesson 1.
There are 17 slides in this lesson
This power point will be emailed to your email address after payment.
The lesson is as follows:
Students read the Paragraph on Reducing negative externalities on page 412 Oxford Big Ideas
- Externalities are explained simply in this short 1.55 minute video
- Externalities-
- For a more in-depth look at the negative externalities of the mining boom have student watch the Four Corners video “Casualties of the boom -
- Cartoon activity
- Governments manage living standards Oxford Big ideas 10 page 412-415
- Worksheet Could you be a cartoonist?
There is a workbook in the webshop for purchase under the heading resources.
You can used your own text as all slides can be edited.