Every slide of this lesson is presented as an example of a powerpoint lesson.

There are 21 slides in this lesson.

The following is in this lesson:

  • Brainstorm
  • Definition
  • Examples of Modal meaning
  • Activity - Modal words
  • Answer
  • Definition
  • Research activity
  • web address for research
  • Prompt questions for research
  • Activity - decision
  • Value wall
  • Word wall

There is a small sample of slides for this lesson. To see a full lesson view lesson 1.

There are 21 slides in this lesson.

The lesson is as follows:

  • Annotation example
  • Film on annotation
  • power point on annotation
  • vocabulary
  • example of annotation
  • steps on annotating
  • activity - annotation
  • Activity - Biography of Madella

There is a small sample of slides shown here.

There are 27 slides in this lesson.

This lesson is the first lesson on Text types - Biography. 

The following is an outline of the lesson:

  • Film of the Alpine region
  • Look up an atlas to see where the Alpine region of Australia is located
  • Vocabulary work – needed for this section of work
  • Text type activity – worksheet
  • Features of a biography activity – worksheet
  • News report on Banjo Paterson
  • Comparing Biographies – Pair/share
  • Summarising Banjo Patersons Biography

There is a small sample of slides shown as examples for this lesson.

To view a full lesson see lesson 1.

There are 15 slides in this lesson.

The following is an outline of this lesson:

  • Film on Banjo Paterson
  • Comparing Biographies – Pair/share
  • Summarising Banjo Patersons Biography
  • Comparing two biographies on Banjo Paterson

There is a small sample of slides for this lesson.

In this lesson there are 12 slides:

This lesson is dedicated to research on Banjo Paterson for students to find out about his biography.

The lesson outline is as below:

  • Group work – research on Banjo Paterson
  • Film
  • Wall work – summary of research

There is a small sample of slides for this lesson.

There are 22 slides in this lesson.

This lesson explains step by step the method of Cornell note making.

Students are informed and encouraged to use this method for journal summary work at home to revise their work at school.

A brief outline of the lesson is below:

  • Take notes from the power point
  • Draw up a Cornell page

There is a small sample of slides shown for this lesson.

There are 14 slides in this lesson.

This lesson is about the well known Ballad of Waltzing Matilda written by Banjo Patterson.

The following is a brief outline of the lesson:

  • Audio version of Waltzing Matilda
  • Website research of different versions over the years
  • Research on the Australian words used in the song
  • questions of the song Waltzing Matilda

There is a small sample of slides for this lesson.

In the lesson there are 18 slides.

The lesson is focussed on the famous Ballad Waltzing Matilda which was composed by Banjo Paterson.

The following is an outline of the lesson:

  • Research activity
  • Pair work
  • Research questions about Waltzing Matilda
  • Group work- pros and cons of Waltzing Matilda and Advance Australia Fair
  • Film Waltzing Matilda
  • Artwork on Waltzing Matilda

There is a small sample of slides for this lesson.

There are 20 slides in this lesson.

This lesson focusses mostly on types of sentences and slang used in texts.

Below is an outline of the lesson:

  • Information slides on sentences and slang
  • Film Activity - Neighbours - slang
  • Activities to practice identifying sentences and slang (the Silver Brumby)


A small sample of slides shown for this lesson.

There are 24 slides in this lesson.

This is the first lesson on the text type Ballads. It introduces the students to vocabulary needed for the section of work and an introduction to some Australian Bush Ballads.

Below is an outline of the lesson:

  • Vocabulary of a Ballad -MULGA BILL'S BICYCLE by A.B. "Banjo" Paterson
  • Read M MULGA BILL'S BICYCLE by A.B. "Banjo"
  • Write all words and/or phrases that they are unsure of below the poem.
  • Annotation of Ballad
  • Identification of text-type
  • Supported text analysis: Poetic devices and structure
  • Rhyme schemes – stanza’s
  • Pearson English 10 Page 227 – The Man from Snowy River
  • Read and then decide the scheme in letters the poem on the next slide.The Old Bark School – Henry Lawson
  • Old Bark School - analysis
  • rhyme schemes

There is a small sample of slides for this lesson.

There are 27 slides in the lesson.

Below is an outline of the lesson:

  • Power point on important facts on paragraph writing
  • Identifying parts of a paragraph
  • Practice paragraph writing
  • Assess your neighbours work on paragraph writing

There is a small sample shown for this lesson on Analysing an imaginative text.

There is 39 slides in this lesson.

The lesson introduces students to analysing an imaginative text. It covers purpose, setting, characterisation and plot.

Several activities on each type of convention is practiced.

  • Power point on structure of imaginative texts.
  • Purpose - film activity 
  • Structural features power point covering - setting, character, and plot
  • Activities - on all structural features
  • Activity on Plot - comic strip
  • Activity – identify the text type and purpose of a text

Please note that not all slides are shown for this lesson to see a complete lesson look at the first powerpoint in English.

There are 20 slides in this lesson.

Please note that the text used for resources is National Skills for English Year 7. But any english text could be used on characterisation could be used.

Lesson outline:


Recognise and analyse the ways that characterisation, events and settings are combined in narratives, and discuss the purposes and appeal of different approaches

  • Power point with definitions and meanings of characters
  • On page 19 national skills English 7 is an information page of the structure of a narrative (story).
  • On page 20 national skills english there is a poem activity which explores the structure of a poem and includes the character (the dragon).

Answer the questions about the “storytime” poem page 21 national skills English.Check your answers with the answer sheet provided.

  • This activity will explore the character by using the extract from  “The Man from Snowy river. 1. The first thing your going to do is annotate the text your will need highlighters or you can underline
  • Underline all the words and sentences that are about the “Man from Snowy River (hint: he has no name)


There is a small sample of slides for this lesson. To see an example of a full lesson look at Lesson 1.

There are 30 slides in this lesson.

The text book used in this lesson is National English skills workbook 10 (however any English text on the same topics could be used for practice exercises)

The lesson outline is below:

  • Power point with definitions and meanings of language features of an imaginative text
  • POV -Read and complete exercises 
  • Past tense- Complete activities All you need to know about grammar 
  • Read the first 4 stanzas and circle any words that indicate that this ballad is in the past tense.
  • Connectives – activity – The Man from Snowy river
  • Chronological
  • Descriptive language – write your own paragraph

Only a small sample of slides are shown in this lesson. To see a full lesson in explicit instruction see Lesson 1 English Year 7.

The text book used for practice is National Skills English Year 7 but any text book with exercises in Theme and Setting can be used.

The Novel studied is The Silver Brumby - a story suitable for this age.

Again any novel could be used as conventions are the same.

There are 35 slides in this lesson.

Lesson outline:

  • Power point with definitions and meanings of Narrative conventions
  • Practice activities on Theme and Setting

There is a small sample of slides of this lesson. To see a full explicit instruction lesson format see lesson 1 English.

There are 23 slides in this lesson.

The Novel used is The Silver Brumby - suitable for this age group. Any novel can replace this though.

Outline of Point of View Lesson:

  • Power point with definitions and meanings of Point of View
  • Activities on Point of View
  • Analysis of novel

There is a small sample of slides for this lesson on plot.

To view a full explicit instruction lesson view lesson 1 English.

There are 38 slides in this lesson.

The Silver Brumby is the Novel used to analyse but you could adapt to any Novel studied.

Lesson outline:

  • Power point with definitions and meanings of plot
  • Activities to practice finding a plot
  • Analysing the Silver Brumby Plot



There is a small sample of slides of this lesson.

The lesson has 35 slides.

This lesson examines the characters in the Novel The Silver Brumby. If your students are studying this Novel it is an excellent lesson.


By the end of this lesson student will know what the Narrative Convention characterisation and apply this knowledge of conventions to the Novel The Silver Brumby.

Students complete worksheets on the character to analyse the novel. 

This is a short lesson demonstrating to students how to use and construct quotes in english.

There are 8 slides in this lesson and they are not in explicit instruction format as they can be added to lessons on analysing a text.

There is 15 slides in this lesson on Writing stories.

Only a small sample is shown - to see a full lesson view lesson 1.

This lesson is an introduction to students writing a story.

An outline of the lesson is below: 

  • Brainstorm the purposes of storytelling.
  • Watch the Bertha Benz: The Journey that Changed Everything advertisement film and answer the comprehension questions.
  • Identify your favourite story and reflect on why you particularly enjoyed it.
  • Individually, list the three most important qualities a story needs to have in order to get you interested.
  • Identify the three most important elements of a story.

This lesson has some sample slides, to see a complete lesson look at Lesson 1.

There are 36 slides in this lesson.

This lesson takes students through the process of creating a character for their story.

  • The next three lessons you will develop a character for your story you are going to write.
  • You will be shown how to do this in several steps.
  • Brainstorm ideas
  • Deciding on a theme
  • Information on what is theme and some examples
  • Practice activity on theme
  • Where to find ideas, quotes, film, poems, images
  • Information on characterisation
  • Examining an example of a character Frozen
  • Examining examples of writing of characters
  • What is a protagonist
  • Questions and prompts about characters
  • Creating a voice for your character
  • You tube clip of a writer and his way of creating a character
  • Questions to prompt ideas for students for their character

There are a small sample of slides for this lesson. To see a full lesson view lesson 1.

There are 35 slides in this lesson.


The outline of the lesson is below:

  • Power point and activities on narrative convention of setting (time and place).
  • Explore the difference between examples of figurative and descriptive language.
  • Complete the match up activity in Worksheet Lessons 5–7 – Descriptive or Figurative Language?
  • annotate for figurative and descriptive language examples
  • Read the formative assessment task and marking key; asking any questions if required.
  • Complete a 100 word handwritten description of either their chosen dominant setting or main
  • character that they intend to include in their story.
  • Proofread and edit their work; using the marking key.
  • Complete Worksheet Lessons 5–7 – Peer reflection of description, and edit their work
  • accordingly.
  • Submit this as formative assessment.

There are 37 slides in this lesson. Only a small sample is shown.

The lesson guides students through writing a story plot.

It contains the following:

  • Revise the arc of plot including key terms to describe plot.
  • Complete Worksheet Lessons 2–4 – Playing with Plot.
  • Select the means by which they intend to plan their story, using Worksheet Lessons 8–9 – How do you want to plan?
  • keep in mind the intended audience of your narrative.
  • Plan the plot of your narrative, using Worksheet Lessons 8–9 – How do you want to plan?

This lesson has 17 slides.

The lesson takes the student through Point of View and how to use it in their writing.


There are 20 slides in this lesson.

The lesson explains what a book trailer is and shows a number of short clips demonstrating book trailers. Activities are also in the lesson to guide the student towards their own book trailer.

There are 12 slides in this lesson.

In this lesson students examine a number of graphic novels to get ideas for their own production.

  • Watch the video Kapow: Why comics and graphic novels rule.
  • Select and read at least one graphic novel and/or picture book.
  • Discuss the purposes and audiences of multimodal texts.
  • Read graphic novels and/or picture books for enjoyment.
  • In the context of small groups, share their reading experiences and responses.


There are 46 slides in this lesson.

  • Observe how the teacher conducts an analysis of a graphic novel or picture book.
  • Work in pairs to analyse a different page of graphic novel or picture book, using Worksheet
  •  Analysing a page of a graphic novel.
  • Participate in the placemat activity.
  • Construct a sentence describing the world created in the text.
  • Share their findings with at least one other group.

There are 20 slides in this lesson.

This lesson shows the student how to create a book trailer.

  • Select an event from the plan of their story that they intend to communicate visually.
  • read the summative assessment task sheet and marking key; ask questions if required.
  • Work on translating the story into a page for a graphic novel or picture book.
  • Draft the page, seek feedback and edit the page to improve its clarity and effectiveness using
  • Worksheet Lessons 17–19.

There are 17 slides in this lesson on Newspaper reports.

  • Power point on conventions of a news report
  • Activity – identifying the structure of a news report
  • Read the news report

There are 11 slides in this lesson on evaluation newspaper reports.


  • Planning a Newspaper Report
  • Drafting a Newspaper Report
  • Editing and Improving Your Writing
  • Writing the Final Copy of Your Newspaper Report


There are 10 slides in this lesson

The lesson guides students in writing their own newspaper report.

  • Planning a Newspaper Report
  • Drafting a Newspaper Report
  • Editing and Improving Your Writing
  • Writing the Final Copy of Your Newspaper Report

There are 8 slides in this lesson.

Draft guide for writing a report.

There are 10 slides in this lesson.

  • Re-read the information from your chosen survival story.
  • Find the key information for the Lead Paragraph and write this into the planning table.
  • Select other information that you will include in your newspaper report. List it on the table in order from most important to least important. (Select enough information for a 300 – 500 word report)

This powerpoint slide is short - 8 slides and goes through the newpaper report process in the final production

  • Reread the draft newspaper report that you wrote yesterday.
  • It is a really good idea to read aloud.
  • Check the spelling and punctuation closely. Underline or highlight anything you are unsure about. Find out if these need correcting.
  • Remember that your sentences should be short and quite simple. Rewrite any that are too long or complicated.
  • Most paragraphs should be only one or two sentences long. Check that each paragraph only has one point.
  • Also consider your choice of words to make sure your work is not repetitive or uninteresting.
  • You should ask for assistance if you are unsure about how to correct or improve your work. Ask someone at home or check with me .

There are 36 slides in this lesson.

It is a comprehensive lesson on how to present a oral presentation.

It can be used in any setting any year level.

There are 11 slides in this lesson on Colloquial language.

Lesson overview:

  • Identify the Purpose of Look Up
  • Identify Audience of Look up
  • Underline some examples of colloquial language in the speech





There are 11 slides in this lesson on Hyperbole.

The outline is below:

  • Identify the purpose of the speech Make the right choices
  • Explain who the audience is of make the right choices.
  • Underline examples of hyperbole in the speech





There are 13 slides in this lesson on Repetition.

Below is an outline of the lesson.

  • Definition of repetition
  • Effects of repetition
  • Identify repetition in the article “Don’t Wait”
  • Answer some questions on a speech on purpose, audience, effects of words in speeches, feelings by the audience.

There are 42 slides in this lesson on Introduction in an essay.

The following is an outline of this lesson.

  • Definition of repetition
  • Effects of repetition
  • Identify repetition in the article “Don’t Wait”
  • Answer some questions on a speech on purpose, audience, effects of words in speeches, feelings by the audience.

There are 18 slides in this lesson of How to write an Essay.

The lesson covers the following:

  • Power point notes on how to write a body of an essay.
  • Practice activities to ensure you understand fully.

There are 12 slides in this lesson.

The following is an outline of the lesson:

  • Power point notes on how to write a body of an essay.
  • Practice activities to ensure you understand fully.

There are 25 slides in this lesson on Annotating Mulga Bill

An outline is below:

  • A power point with information on how to annotate a biography
  • Then practice annotating on an extract
  • Activity: Mulga Bills Bicycle by AB “BANJO” Paterson

There are 24 slides in this lesson on the vocabulary and text type of Mulga Bill.

The outline of the lesson is below:

  • Vocabulary of a Ballad -MULGA BILL'S BICYCLE by A.B. "Banjo" Paterson
  • Read M MULGA BILL'S BICYCLE by A.B. "Banjo"
  • Write all words and/or phrases that they are unsure of below the poem.
  • Annotation of Ballad
  • Identification of text-type


There are 22 slides in this lesson on text types with a focus on Banjo Paterson.

An outline of the lesson is below:

  • Definitions
  • Text type activity – worksheet
  • Features of a news report – worksheet – fish bone activity
  • News report on Banjo Paterson