Creating a good copy of a Newspaper Report


There are 8 slides in this lesson.

In your previous lesson you created a draft for your newspaper report by selecting the information from the planning table.

Today you will use your draft to compose a good copy of your report. It should be between 300 and 500 words long

Activity instructions:

  • Reread the draft newspaper report that you wrote previously.
  • It is a really good idea to read aloud.
  • Check the spelling and punctuation closely. Underline or highlight anything you are unsure about. Find out if these need correcting.
  • Remember that your sentences should be short and quite simple. Rewrite any that are too long or complicated.
  • Most paragraphs should be only one or two sentences long. Check that each paragraph only has one point.
  • Also consider your choice of words to make sure your work is not repetitive or uninteresting.
  • You should ask for assistance if you are unsure about how to correct or improve your work.