Creating affirmation cards


There are 34 slides in this lesson on helping students create affirmation cards with positive messages.

  • By the end of this lesson students will have created a message for a friend who is troubled. You will use positive language to uplift them. Students also create some positive affirmation cards.

Outline of the lesson:

  •  Write a note to an imaginary friend who is struggling with an issue.
  • View some examples of affirmation cards.
  • Read Worksheet lessons Affirmation poster analysis to support understanding.
  • In pairs or small groups, discuss and analyse a selection of affirmation cards which are aimed at a range of audiences.
  • Complete Worksheet - Affirmation card reflections.
  • Consider any audiences who may be under-represented in the packs of cards.
  • Understand the importance of avoiding plagiarism of other affirmation cards.
  • Complete Worksheet Planning for affirmation cards.