Lesson 12 - Year 8 - Novel Analysis


Rehearsing scene - last practice

Students practice their news report whilst their peers give feedback using feedback sheet.

  • A typical news report contains four (4) parts:
  • Presenter name: _________________________
  • Markers name:   _________________________

 1.Headline: This is a short, attention-getting statement about the event.

Yes/No – how to improve? Lead paragraph: This has ALL of the who, what, when, where, why and how in it. A writer must find the answers to these questions and write them into the opening sentence(s) of the news.

Yes/No – How could they improve? 3. Explanation: After the lead paragraph has been written, the writer must decide what other facts or details the reader might want to know.  This section can also include direct quotes from the novel.

Yes No How could they improve? 4. Additional Information: This information is the least important.

Could be a comment on the news report. Yes/no How could they improve?